Featured Facts

Who Actually Invented the First Machine Gun?

“I never shall forget the way, That Blood upon this awful day, Preserved us all from death. He stood upon a little mound, Cast his […]

Incredible Engineering- Inventing the Transistor

How NASA Learned to Land on the Moon

To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before: How do Astronauts Answer the Call of Nature in Space?

What Kind of Power Did a Medieval Monarch Actually Have?

What’s the Deal With Trench Coats?

The Key to Humans Humaning

How Did the Wright Brothers Win the Race Into the Air?

How Did the SR-71 Blackbird Get Made and How was It So Fast?

What on Earth is Ball Lightning?

What were Hitler’s relatives Up to During WWII?

Did Ancient Egyptians Actually Put the “Pharaoh’s Curse” on Their Tombs?

What Did the Real Antikythera Mechanism Do And Who Actually Made It?

How Did They Decide What to Call the President?

How Did Germany DeNazify So Quickly After WWII?

Injecting People with Cancer Without Their Consent

What is the Safest Seat on an Airplane?

Who was Better? Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison

How Did Christianity Go From a Tiny Jewish Cult to Rule the Western World So Quickly?

What was it Really Like to Be a Lighthouse Keeper?

Latest Posts

That Time the BBC Made One of the Creepiest Broadcasts of All Time

“I think three women who were pregnant went into labour that evening.” This is a quote from BAFTA winning horror writer Stephen Volk discussing perhaps […]

Fire, Ice, and Plutonium

That Time the Nazis Went on a Quest to Save a Major Jewish Leader

Who Actually Invented the First Machine Gun?

The Brink of Starvation- The Inspiring Tale of Inventing Instant Ramen

Incredible Engineering- Inventing the Transistor

The Great Vibrator Myth

How NASA Learned to Land on the Moon

To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before: How do Astronauts Answer the Call of Nature in Space?

How do They Make Decaf Coffee and Tea and Non-Alcoholic Beer and Wine?

Nazi Germany’s Utterly Bonkers Wooden Manned Missile

Battle of the Beams- The Forgotten Tech War

What Kind of Power Did a Medieval Monarch Actually Have?

Where Do Letters to Santa Actually Go?

WWII’s Most Absurd Secret Weapons

How Do They Actually Measure the Heat of Hot Peppers?

Who Invented the Submarine?

A Much Greater Story- The Iliad’s Lost Sequels

That Time the British Military Tried to Replace Parachutes with Rockets

Germany’s WWI Corpse Factories

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Prank Calling the Pope- The Blue Box, “Woz,” and Steve Jobs

In this video from our new YouTube channel (click here to subscribe), we take a look at Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak’s first business together- […]

Myths and Misconceptions

Are the “Snozzberries” in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Referring to Male Genitalia?

Domenic V. asks: Is it true that the snozzberries in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory were dicks? Given the dark undercurrent of Roald Dahl’s […]

The Curious Case of Ronald Opus

Why Are You Not Supposed to Use Twice Boiled Water for Tea?

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10 Bizarre Facts- Part 6

Embed This Infographic [Source: Today I Found Out] For Part 1 of this series go here: 10 Bizarre Facts For Part 2 of this series […]

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10 More Language Facts (Q&A Edition)


What Do Scientologists Actually Believe?

Laura A. asks: What exactly do Scientologists?believe? Oh boy, we can already tell that the comment section for this one is going to be a […]

How Do We Actually Know We Landed on the Moon?

Do Expert Fighters and Military Personnel Really Have to Register Their Hands as Deadly Weapons?

Were Nunchucks Ever Actually Used in Combat or are They Just Primarily a Hollywood Thing?

Know It

You Should Know About Jury Nullification

Since before the U.S. was a country, juries in the American system of justice were being impaneled to be the “triers of evidence,” or as […]

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Top 5 First Aid Tricks Everyone Should Know, Part 4: CPR


That Time the BBC Made One of the Creepiest Broadcasts of All Time

“I think three women who were pregnant went into labour that evening.” This is a quote from BAFTA winning horror writer Stephen Volk discussing perhaps […]

Fire, Ice, and Plutonium

Who Actually Invented the First Machine Gun?

The Brink of Starvation- The Inspiring Tale of Inventing Instant Ramen

Educational Videos

Picture the Recipe (New Channel)

If you happen to be into cooking or just want to learn to make some amazing tasting (and looking) food in an easy and quick […]

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The Rubber Band, The Invention of Post it Notes, The Invention of the Cardboard Box, Why Area 51 is called that and More

Quick Facts

The Horrifying Origin of the Term “Stool Pigeon”

American gangster films of the 1920s, 30s and 40s have contributed a wealth of colourful slang to the English language, much of which is still […]

26 Fascinating Football Facts

Stabbing Bed Bugs, Lloyd Christmas, Cliff from CliffsNotes and More in Yet Another 10 Quick Facts

Tinkle Bells, the Parasitic Poop Twig, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Marketing Stunt and more, in a Special Christmas Quick Fact List

This Day in History

The Largely Forgotten Airship Disaster That Helped Kill These Cruise Ships of the Sky

The age of the giant rigid airship or Zeppelin was tragically brief, lasting barely forty years from the first Zeppelin flights in 1900 to the […]

How Do We Actually Know We Landed on the Moon?

How Vladimir Putin Came to Power (And How He Has Held on to it for So Long)

Is Ockham’s Razor Actually Valid or Just Something People Say to Sound Smart?


Who Actually Invented the First Machine Gun?

“I never shall forget the way, That Blood upon this awful day, Preserved us all from death. He stood upon a little mound, Cast his […]

Incredible Engineering- Inventing the Transistor

To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before: How do Astronauts Answer the Call of Nature in Space?

Who Invented Lasers and How Do They Actually Work?


That Time the BBC Made One of the Creepiest Broadcasts of All Time

“I think three women who were pregnant went into labour that evening.” This is a quote from BAFTA winning horror writer Stephen Volk discussing perhaps […]

How Much Did Top Gun Maverick Cost the U.S. Taxpayer?

How Much Money Do Songwriters Make (and How Do They Get Paid)?

The Astonishing Life of The Black Terror


Fire, Ice, and Plutonium

Lasting from the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Cold War was among […]

Incredible Engineering- Inventing the Transistor

The Great Vibrator Myth

How NASA Learned to Land on the Moon


Keep Calm and Carry On

You can find it almost everywhere: in every gift shop, on every online merchandise store, on every souvenir stand – and on every object imaginable, […]

What’s Up With Measuring So Many Things in “Gauge”?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is Up With the NATO Phonetic Alphabet?

“Up Yours!” “Victory,” Or “Peace, Man” Where did the “Two Finger Salute” REALLY Come From?


Forgotten Titans of History- The Edison of Ancient Greece

Study the history of science and technology long enough, and you will discover that – contrary to what popular culture would have you believe – […]

What were Hitler’s relatives Up to During WWII?

How a NASA Engineer Accidentally Invented The Greatest Summer Toy to Ever Toy

Who was Better? Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison


Where Do Letters to Santa Actually Go?

Pretty much as long as Santa has been Santaing, kids have been trying to send him messages through various means, including, of course, in written […]

What Kind of Power Did a Medieval Monarch Actually Have?

Why on Earth is Depleted Uranium Used for Military Ammunition?

Creating the Smart Bomb

Facts Lists

The Truth About the Road Not Taken, The Rose / Star Trek connection, What “Trump” Means in the UK, and more in Yet Another 10 Quick Facts

1006) While Amanda McBroom is probably best known for her role as Judge Advocate General Captain Philippa Louvois in what is generally considered one of […]